OSHA Hazard Alert on Oil & Gas Tank Gauging

A new OSHA Hazard Alert Letter on Oil & Gas Tank Gauging was recently released.
Here's the 'introduction' excerpt:
Workers at oil and gas extraction sites could be exposed to hydrocarbon gases and vapors, oxygen-deficient atmospheres, and fires and explosions when they open tank hatches to manually gauge or collect fluid samples on production, flowback, or other tanks (e.g., drip pots) that contain process fluids. Opening tank hatches, often referred to as “thief hatches,” can result in the release of high concentrations of hydrocarbon gases and vapors. These exposures can have immediate health effects, including loss of consciousness and death.
Recent NIOSH and OSHA research showed that workers could be exposed to hydrocarbon gases and vapors when they work on or near production and flowback tanks. This means workers can face significant health and safety risks when they manually gauge or sample tanks. These risks are in addition to the risk of exposure to hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a well-recognized chemical exposure hazard for those who work in the oil and gas extraction and production industry. NIOSH and OSHA also identified nine worker fatalities that occurred while workers manually gauged or sampled production tanks from 2010–2014.
Exposures to hydrocarbon gases and vapors and/or oxygen-deficient atmospheres are believed to be primary or contributory factors to the workers’ deaths. Working on or near oil and gas production tanks is of particular concern because these tanks may contain concentrated hydrocarbon gases and vapors that are under pressure. When the thief hatch is opened, the release of these pressurized gases and vapors can expose workers. Second, the gases and vapors can displace oxygen, creating an oxygen-deficient environment. Third, the hydrocarbon gas and vapor concentrations can exceed 10% of the lower explosive limit (LEL), creating a chance for fires and explosions. Exposure to hazardous atmospheres and fire/explosion risks will vary depending on tank contents and operating conditions, the presence of ignition sources, and other factors.
The Hazard Alert can be read in its entirety here... LINK.