Craft Brewers Conference - OSHA Q&A
It was a pleasure to present at the 2016 Craft Brewers Conference (CBC2016) in Philadelphia last week where we gave a presentation on the...

Teacher in Indiana Describes the Impact that CareerSafeOnline OSHA Safety Training has on his Classr
If you're not familiar with CareerSafeOnline, they focus on providing young workers / students with #OSHA 10hr training and...

OSHA Issues Guidance Memo on PSM Retail Exemption
OSHA releases yet another PSM enforcement memo related to process safety management (psm 29 CFR 1910.119). This one redefining what the...

OSHA's Regulatory Agenda Coming Next Week
Well, it’s looking like the OSHA Regulatory Agenda (Fall) will be published early next week – most likely on Monday 12/20 (my guess). I...

OSHA – National Emphasis Programs (NEP) on Diacetyl – Are They or Aren’t They?
I’m not quite sure why the Agency has overlooked this, so I sent them an email to let them know of the oversight regarding the Diacetyl...

Where is the OSHA Regulatory Agenda?
Well, it is about that time of the Fall/Winter when we should be expecting the new Regulatory Agenda from OSHA. In the last agenda, which...

OSHA Finds Another Prometrix Safety Consulting Client “In-Compliance” After Multiple Safety and Heal
Another Prometrix Safety Consulting client has recently completed multiple inspections with each one being closed out as “in-compliance”...

OSHA Letter on Recordkeeping Reveals Interesting Insights
I wrote earlier about OSHA’s activities in the area of Recordkeeping where the question was posited: Are Employers Under-Reporting? The...

Diacetyl – Concern Now for What Kids May Buy… Fake Cigarrettes”!
This article, discusses, in part, some of the issues associated with e-cigs (“fake cigarettes”) in terms of Diacetyl / Flavorings. Some...

OSHA Recordkeeping: Are Employers Under-Reporting or Not???
For at least the last 20 years, there has been much criticism and debate over the accuracy, or lack thereof, of the injury and illness...