Initial Reaction to OSHA Expansion of Diacetyl / Food Flavoring Rulemaking (DAPORS)
Below are a number of quotes which were provided as part of an interview regarding the topic of OSHA Reguatory Agenda item: Food...

What OSHA Is Getting Right?
OSHA seems to be everyone’s favorite punching bag and the recipient of criticism over virtually everything that it does. If it issues a...

OSHA's Regulatory Agenda Coming Next Week
Well, it’s looking like the OSHA Regulatory Agenda (Fall) will be published early next week – most likely on Monday 12/20 (my guess). I...

Cal-OSHA Issues Diacetyl (DAPORS) Rule – Good or Bad Thing?
To be honest, I don’t know yet as I have only read the press release at this point. HOWEVER, I can definitely see where this might be...

Important Observations About OSHA’s New SHIB for Food Flavorings Containing Diacetyl (DAPORS)
After taking a closer look at the SHIB, a few issues come to mind and are noted below. Hopefully, with the Diacetyl rulemaking effort,...

Where is the OSHA Regulatory Agenda?
Well, it is about that time of the Fall/Winter when we should be expecting the new Regulatory Agenda from OSHA. In the last agenda, which...

Traffic Light Cameras – Results a Mixed Bag?
City of West Palm puts in traffic light cameras to find that the number of crashes of decreased as expected – and hoped. That’s the good...

OSHA Finds Another Prometrix Safety Consulting Client “In-Compliance” After Multiple Safety and Heal
Another Prometrix Safety Consulting client has recently completed multiple inspections with each one being closed out as “in-compliance”...

OSHA's Cooperative Agreements – Proposed Rule Comments
The following was submitted as part of the record for the rulemaking on Cooperative Agreements. The comment period closed on 11/2/2010....

OSHA Letter on Recordkeeping Reveals Interesting Insights
I wrote earlier about OSHA’s activities in the area of Recordkeeping where the question was posited: Are Employers Under-Reporting? The...