DOL Goes Before House Subcommittee for Oversight on Financial Mismanagement (OSHA)
Tomorrow morning, Thursday 6/2/2011, the House HELP Subcommittee will be holding an oversight hearing on the Department of Labor’s...
Dangers of Texting While Driving
A very powerful video about the dangers of texting while driving. Texting While Driving <<< video link. This is a powerful video on the...

OSHA Gets OMB Approval to Conduct Extensive Survey
Last November, OSHA requested permission from OMB to conduct an extensive survey of employers. The purpose of the survey is to learn...

OSHA Goes Before House Oversight Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs
On March 16th, the House Oversight Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs held a hearingtitled: “Regulatory Impediments to Job Creation: The...
DOL Sec Solis to Testify Before House Approps Subcommittee for Labor/HHS
The Department of Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis, will testify before the House Appropriations Subcommittee for Labor / HHS on Tuesday at...

House Ed/Workforce Recently Held 3 Hearings on “Labor” Related Topics
The House Education and Workforce Committee recently held three hearings on ‘labor’ related topics. Below is a concise summary with...
DOL (and OSHA) FY2012 Budget — Release on Monday + Webchat
The Department of Labor will unveil the Administration’s budget proposal for FY2012 on Monday. A webchat will be held at 1:30pm (Eastern)....

House Ed&Workforce Subcommittee Schedules OSHA Oversight Hearing
The House Subcommittee on Workforce Protections has scheduled a hearing (http://dld.bz/KTcP) to Investigate OSHA’s Regulatory Agenda and...

OSHA Revises NEP on Microwave Popcorn (Diacetyl / DAPORS)
This morning, OSHA issued a press release stating that it has revised the NEP onDiacetyl in Microwave Popcorn to include other flavorings...

Observations About OSHA’s New NEP on Microwave Popcorn (Diacetyl / DAPORS)
As I posted yesterday, OSHA has released a new (revived) National Emphasis Program on Microwave Popcorn (Diacetyl / DAPORS). This new NEP...