CareerSafeOnline (Youth Safety) - Classroom Highlight for June 2015
If you're not familiar with CareerSafeOnline, they focus on providing young workers / students with #OSHA 10hr training and...
More Dysfunction at the Chemical Safety Board (CSB)
More dysfunction out of the CSB (chemical safety board). Now it turns out that the acting general counsel (deputy), who is filling in...

OSHA is Turning its Enfrocement Attention to the Healthcare Industry
OSHA is turning its enforcement attention to hospitals and nursing homes where they will be looking at ergonomics, bloodborne pathogens,...
Looks Like OSHA Might See a Slight Budget Cut for Next Year
Looks like OSHA may see a budget cut in 2016 of somewhere between 3-5%. A breakdown of OSHA's budget is available on page 199. Washington...
Chaos and Coup at the Chemical Safety Board (CSB)?
I dont even know what to say about this one. More dysfunction out of the Chemical Safety Board (CSB). Candidly, I've never even heard of...
OSHRC Commissioner (Thomasina Rogers) Retires
For those of you that follow the OSH Review Commission, one of the commissioners (Thomasina Rogers) has retired. Commissioner Attwood...
White House Seeks Comment for an Executive Order: “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces”
The Administration will be publishing this proposed Executive Order (guidance) in tomorrow's Federal Register. The EO seeks to increase...

Air Force Advises Rider Precautions (Safety)
US Air Force takes safety beyond duty activities on base to include soldier's motorcycle riding safety off-base. Capt Andrew Schrag...
Why Does It Take So Long For OSHA To Finish A Rule?
An interesting read if you're interested in gaining a small glimpse into the rulemaking process. The rulemaking process for OSHA really...
Peoria Manufacturer Shuts Down After Being Cited $144K
USA Technologies in Peoria, IL shuts down after being cited by OSHA for $144K. Approximately 70 employees were laid-off in the process....