NIOSH Releases New Guidance on Diacetyl / DAPORS
NIOSH releases new guidance on Diacetyl (And Possibly Other Related Substances - DAPORS). This is an issue that first came to light...

OSHA Revises NEP on Microwave Popcorn (Diacetyl / DAPORS)
This morning, OSHA issued a press release stating that it has revised the NEP onDiacetyl in Microwave Popcorn to include other flavorings...

Observations About OSHA’s New NEP on Microwave Popcorn (Diacetyl / DAPORS)
As I posted yesterday, OSHA has released a new (revived) National Emphasis Program on Microwave Popcorn (Diacetyl / DAPORS). This new NEP...

Initial Reaction to OSHA Expansion of Diacetyl / Food Flavoring Rulemaking (DAPORS)
Below are a number of quotes which were provided as part of an interview regarding the topic of OSHA Reguatory Agenda item: Food...

OSHA – National Emphasis Programs (NEP) on Diacetyl – Are They or Aren’t They?
I’m not quite sure why the Agency has overlooked this, so I sent them an email to let them know of the oversight regarding the Diacetyl...

Cal-OSHA Issues Diacetyl (DAPORS) Rule – Good or Bad Thing?
To be honest, I don’t know yet as I have only read the press release at this point. HOWEVER, I can definitely see where this might be...

Important Observations About OSHA’s New SHIB for Food Flavorings Containing Diacetyl (DAPORS)
After taking a closer look at the SHIB, a few issues come to mind and are noted below. Hopefully, with the Diacetyl rulemaking effort,...

Diacetyl – Concern Now for What Kids May Buy… Fake Cigarrettes”!
This article, discusses, in part, some of the issues associated with e-cigs (“fake cigarettes”) in terms of Diacetyl / Flavorings. Some...

Another Mega-Verdict ($30 Million) in Diacetyl / DAPORS / Popcorn Lung Case
It was reported in the Joplin Globe today that a jury in the Chicago area has awarded a $30 million verdict to a worker who was exposed...

Overview of Safe Work Practices and Administrative Controls for Diacetyl (DAPORS)
Food flavoring manufacturers and users that have Diacetyl / DAPORS on their premises will benefit from understanding the role of safe...