EPA Issues Proposed Rule to Revise the RMP Standard
The EPA Office of Land and Emergency Management has released its proposed rule to revise the Risk Management Plan (RMP) requirements. The...

OSHA Alliance with CareerSafe and Others to Promote Young Worker Safety
Because of the work that they do, the commitment and passion with which they do it, and the importance of their efforts, we enjoy doing...

Craft Brewers Conference - OSHA Q&A
It was a pleasure to present at the 2016 Craft Brewers Conference (CBC2016) in Philadelphia last week where we gave a presentation on the...

Craft Brewery Safety Issues
Last week, we had the pleasure of speaking at the Brewer's Association - Craft Brewers Conference in Philadelphia. OSHA is becoming more...

OSHA Hazard Alert on Oil & Gas Tank Gauging
A new OSHA Hazard Alert Letter on Oil & Gas Tank Gauging was recently released. Here's the 'introduction' excerpt: Workers at oil and gas...

The 6 Reasons Why OSHA Will Inspect Your Workplace
OSHA Enforcement Context There have been a number of recent developments which significantly sharpen OSHA's (Occupational Safety and...